My Girls & I

My Girls & I

Monday 15 October 2012

October 12th

Another busy week over with - I don't know where the time goes these days.  The weeks seem to be flying past in the blink of an eye.  Autumn is well and truly upon us, the leaves are changing colour and falling from the trees.  It's my favourite time of year.

It's been a good week at uni and I've learnt quite a lot.  I was in the darkroom again on Wednesday printing some negatives and I have to say that I absolutely love doing that.  My pictures are not the best, in fact, I may end up having to re-take them all, but it was still fun to do.  I still have an awful lot to learn when it comes to contrast etc.  Taking pictures with an all manual film camera is hard!!  

Today, I've spent the morning getting some research done in the college library.  I think I may finally be starting to get somewhere with it all :)

I spent this afternoon with my friend Jo who took me to a woodland walk she had discovered last weekend and knew I would love :)

She was right - it was amazing.  There were all sorts of "things" that had been created by the local high school's GCSE art classes which made to decorate it.

Really cool huh?  I can't wait to take Arwen, she will love it there.  Weather permitting, we will go there on Sunday.

We also found an old ruined church that has been left standing as a monument.  We had to ask permission to wander round, which we were happily given and we wandered for a while, just looking at the decay and wondering what had happened.
While I am not religious in an way, shape or form, I do very much admire the architecture of churches, chapels and cathedrals.  They really are magnificent buildings.

I tried to find out more about it online when I came home, but there is really very little known about it.  The tower collapsed in 1906 and the church became un-used some 30 
years later after the construction of a new building nearby.

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