My Girls & I

My Girls & I

Friday 11 May 2012

Hurray It's Friday :)

To say I am pleased to see Friday at last is a understatement.  This week has been long and tumultuous, has left me drained and exhausted both physically & mentally.

However, here starts the weekend and next week, I know, is going to be a much better one :)

Saturday 5 May 2012

First Post

Wow!  This is something I thought I would never be doing again.  Keeping a diary/ again.  It's certainly been a few years since I last kept one that's for sure.  

I'm not really sure why I decided to start keeping one again.  I guess, if I really think about it, it's because all of a sudden I've realised just how quickly time seems to be going past me and I just wanted a place where I could record what's happening in my life, the lives of my girls, my family etc.  Most of the time, it's really not that exciting but there are some moments or days where things happen and I'd like to be able to look back and really remember it.  Not just from memory as that can often forget or distort things, but from actual writings.  So, this is what I aim to do. 

I guess, I should introduce myself a little to whoever happens by this page.  I'm Sarah, I'm 41, married to Billy and the mum of 4 gorgeous daughters - Josie who's 21, Asha who's 19, Caitlin who's 17 & last but not least Arwen who's 10.  Other members of the household include Marley the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Sirius & Frodo the cats and Spartacus the hamster.  Billy & I have been married for 21 years.  He's such a hard worker and we all appreciate everything he does far more than I think he realises.

In between being a mum, a wife and a domestic goddess, I also help out two mornings a week at Arwen's primary school.  I'm not with her class though, I help the year above her, the Year 6's.  As well as helping out in the classroom, I supervise them at lunch time while they play table tennis and/or hang out.  They are a lovely bunch of kids and I enjoy every minute of it.  I'm starting a teaching assistant's course at college sometime soon so maybe one day I'll get paid for it :)  In the meantime though, I am taking an evening course in how to improve your digital photography.  I am an avid amateur photography and strange as it may seem, often sees a photograph opportunity in nearly every landscape I pass.